Habits of health are the habits you've developed that lead you towards a more serene, peaceful life—a life of acceptance, not resignation, but an honest gut level recognition of who you are and what you are.

Habits of Health leave you with an attitude of gratitude and one of hope.

Habits of Health normally depend upon delayed gratification, the idea of practicing Simple Disciplines over a long period of time.

Habits of Disease are habits you've developed that keep you in a dejected, depressed world of distress. Nothing works, nothing helps, I'm never going to get a better attitude.

Habits of Disease leave you with an attitude of despair.

Habits of Disease usually use instant gratification to mask a problem. They continually use Slight Errors in Judgment, thinking it will lead them to a place of peace (a delusion).

Habits of Health are not just those that lead to physical well-being. They also apply to mental clarity, as well as having a Spiritual connection with something greater than yourself.

1. A healthy balanced diet of healthy foods in the correct portions.

2. Sleeping soundly for the appropriate amount of time (8 hours typically)

3. Drinking pure healthy water (1/2 your weight in ounces each day)

4. A healthy amount of movement (Activity (NEAT) and Exercise (EAT)

Together (with Habits of Health) i Can

For an expanded list of a few habits of health go to our website: TogetheriCan.com. email us at: michael@togetherican.com

Or give us a call at 619–722–0264

We provide free health coaching for those desiring to lose weight, get off medications, or just want to feel better!

You have all of the answers; we provide you with the guidance to discover those answers.


Join us to discuss these topics!

For more information read our other articles or contact us today!

Michael McCright
Free Health Coaching – provided by the "Together i Can Group"
October 21, 2016

Call 619-316-6900


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