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Habits of Health Monthly Meeting

Learn the habits of life that will either promote you or those that will demote you.



Michael McCright


Dietary fiber and its physical makeup affect the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal system. It has a tremendous impact on the rate that nutrients are absorbed, as well as enhancing the peristalsis of the gut and the through-put of the food passing through the gut.

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Michael McCright


The body’s ability to heal itself or correct itself can be instrumental in bettering our health, but it can also be detrimental, especially when it comes to our posture. When we feel a little out of sorts, a small ache or pain in the muscles, the mind (subconscious/unconscious) will adapt the body, incorporate other muscles to do a job, to mask or alleviate the uncomfortableness being experienced. The problem is that these adjustments typically happen unconsciously.

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Michael McCright


Why journal? 1 - Our forgetters are so good, we tend to forget the things that are good for us. 2 - Journaling allows us to identify the revolving thoughts in our mind and get them into the open, in black and white, where we can challenge them.

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Michael McCright


Google Definition of Temptation - The desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. I choose to believe that Temptation is something that is created by a “TRIGGER.” Something that stimulates an old belief – A habit, feeling, belief that we’ve developed and stored in the Sub/Unconscious mind.

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Michael McCright


The most asked question: “I know what I like, why should I read those confusing labels.” First, we must acknowledge that the body is the most exquisite Chemical Factory ever designed. Everything that you consume gets broken down into smaller and smaller pieces until the only thing that exists are the different molecules. Each one of those molecules has a direct effect on our bodies and our health. If we don’t have the correct amounts of nutrients, in the proper ratios, our assimilation will suffer.

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Michael McCright


Foundational Nutrition should be considered a basic necessity for health – make it your number one consideration. Our bodies are phenomenal, intricate, complex, instruments for which only God has the blueprints. We know some of the basics and are learning more each year, concerning the function of body parts, and how we are put together.

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Michael McCright


A relationship requires an audience of two. Even if that audience is with ourselves and the conversations we have are with the committee in our mind. Relationships are often skewed by the way each individual approaches them.

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Michael McCright


Know that the only thing that you can really change in this world is YOU. Bring everything back to (i) and take responsibility. That is the first step. We promote using the small (i) to suggest humility and not a capital (I) which can suggest or relate to EGO.

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Michael McCright


It is said that we become the average of the five people we hang around with the most. Hang out with like-minded people – Form a community that is conducive to your learning and what you want to accomplish, because the community will rub off on us and you will become the average of that group.

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Michael McCright


Slight Edge is a philosophy, that when adhered to, makes it easy to make changes in one’s life. It states that there are only two ways to look every decision. Your decision will either take you in a positive or negative direction and you get to chose which way is best for you.

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Michael McCright


Most life coaches recommend choosing a goal, a destination for yourself, setting a date for completion, and then getting into action. Sometimes it happens that others set goals for us. They don’t ask you to bounce it off of your values, to see if the goal and you are in alignment. When the goal has been accomplished, with it comes temporary satisfaction. Then it is on to the next goal and destination.

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Michael McCright


No matter how hard we try to maintain a status quo for our lives, change is inevitable. In nature there is a LAW, something that we have no ability to prevent or stop. That Law is the Law of Cycles. The sun comes up and the sun goes down, the tide comes in and the tide goes out, as we breathe in, we must breathe out, the heart contracts and the heart expands. All of life is played out as a rhythm.

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Michael McCright


First, you must know where you are coming from. I’m overweight. I’m broke. I’m shy. I’m... you fill in the answer. What is your starting point? Second, you must know where you would like to end up. What is something you really desire? Health, wealth, freedom? What would you consider a “Worthy Ideal” for yourself?

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Michael McCright


We must first acknowledge the fact that we are reacting! If we continue to operate in a state of denial, nothing will change and get us to the next level. The Law of Cause and Effect comes into play, anytime we are triggered by a (conscious or unconscious) recognition of a previous trauma. The cause being a trigger and the effect being our reaction.

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Michael McCright


As someone who has experienced an addiction, through hindsight, I can say that it seemed like I had a hole in my gut that I could never fill. I don’t know what other expression to use! No matter what I tried that was external to me, the satisfaction was short lived and only lasted for a short period of time.

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Michael McCright


A reaction and a response are very, very similar in their definitions but different in their outcomes. A reaction can be extremely beneficial when extreme measures occur and are required. Stepping off a curb, hearing a horn from a bus, and jumping back is a good thing. Many times, reactions come from healthy habits we have developed

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Michael McCright


Information contained in the brain combined with what we think is scattered throughout the musculature of the body. How we think affects our physical being as well as our mental and spiritual being. If we have an ouch or a painful spot in the body, our mind will tighten muscles surrounding that area to help protect it.

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Michael McCright


Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. Summed up, it is your overall opinion of yourself. Healthy self-esteem is established when you feel good about who you are and feel that you deserve the respect of others.

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Michael McCright


What is this thing called self? Who gets to define the concept of Self for you? Some say it is made up of your own Self-Image, your Self Esteem, and what you consider the Ideal Self. But is it really?

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Michael McCright


At or on some level everyone makes plans. There are long-term plans and short- term plans all leading us somewhere. Sometimes they lead us forward and sometimes they take us backwards. Plans seem to always fit our needs, and can be physical, mental, or spiritual.

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Michael McCright


Your wishes, desires, dreams remain just those, until you add why you want to make them happen. Want to lose weight? It takes more than a New Year’s resolution. Do you want to have financial security for you and your family? It takes more than a lottery ticket. Do you desire to be happy, joyous, and free? It takes more than getting all your material desires met to have those emotional experiences.

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Michael McCright


One thing I can say with clarity is that a person will never jump from where they are to perfection instantaneously. Develop a belief that it is better to have “progress” rather than perfection. Make life a journey rather than a series of destinations.

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Michael McCright


Everything began or begins with a thought! That thought is normally a conscious wish or a desire for something in the future. It can also be an unconscious thought buried deep in the subconscious mind. A problem exists, if we don’t recognize where we are in this moment of time, we may head off in the wrong direction, attempting to reach that new destination.

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Michael McCright


Definition of Transition – The process of a period of changing from one state or condition to another. For those desiring to lose weight, you will have to transition from your current lifestyle to a new modified way of eating. Once you have achieved your desired weight, it will require a transition from the weight loss portion of the program to an intermediate step and then involving another transition to get you into maintenance.

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Michael McCright


We know what we know, we know what we don’t know. We don’t know what we know (subconscious beliefs and habits), and we don’t know what we don’t know. Much of the information carried in the unconscious or subconscious mind is often not recognized by the conscious mind. Our values become one of those beliefs that are buried within the subconscious.

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Michael McCright


The Body is the most exquisite Chemical Factory ever designed! Sources of energy used by the body come from – Carbohydrates which convert to glucose, Fats that convert to fatty acids and protein that converts to amino acids. To complete the energy picture, oxygen is required to combine with those molecules, for energy to be produced.

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Michael McCright


The simple answer for weight gain or loss, is balancing calories in versus calories expended. Take in more calories than you expend, and you will gain fat. This is a simple answer, and many people stop right there or decide that it will take more activity in their lives, burning more calories, to stay slim.

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Michael McCright   Journey, Consequences


To develop our WHY's and to understand the Slight Edge Philosophy, it helps to acknowledge the YET's. We convince ourselves that because we have no obvious or apparent disease in the present moment that we are healthy. The denial that we have nothing going on could be harmful to us and could even be deadly.

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Michael McCright


Incrementalism – the small changes that occur over time without the mind recognizing that change has occurred. Without awareness of change we become oblivious to the downward spiral that takes place within the body. No one feels cholesterol building up in the blood vessels. Sometimes the first awareness that takes place is a heart attach or a stroke.

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Michael McCright   Consequences


Habits of Dis-ease apply equally to all areas of life. They apply on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels equally. Poor or bad choices lead to disabling habits, which in turn develop dis-ease and unbalance within the body, mind, and Spirit.

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Michael McCright   Philosophy


No one can motivate you to change except you! Success boils down to intrinsic, internal motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within. Many believe that you only have to make a mental decision in order for something to happen. If it is only mental, only intellectual, then the chances of success are slim. Just because you know how, and know you should, doesn't mean you will. If you're not ready nothing will happen.

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Michael McCright


Micro-Habits are those practices that will ultimately “over time”, enhance one or more of the Macro-Habits of health. 1. Healthy Weight Management 2. Healthy Eating and Hydration 3. Healthy Motion 4. Healthy Rest / Sleep 5. Healthy Mind 6. Healthy Surroundings / Community. A lot of confusion seems to surround a person’s ability to obtain Optimal Health. Many believe that it takes major difficult life changes and that is not necessarily true.

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Michael McCright   Philosophy


Habits of health are the habits you've developed that lead you towards a more serene, peaceful life—a life of acceptance, not resignation, but an honest gut level recognition of who you are and what you are.

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Michael McCright   Assessment


Have a private conversation between you and you. Conduct an honest evaluation. What is it you don't like about yourself, be honest? What results are you experiencing that you would just as soon not experience?

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Michael McCright   Philosophy


Definition of Habit: an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. Definition: A settled or regular tendency or practice – especially one that is hard to give up.

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Michael McCright


A progressive realization of a Worthy Ideal - Coined by Earl Nightingale in 1959, after 17 years of research. Progressive = Continuous / Smooth, Realization = Coming to fruition, Worthy = Worthwhile / something you would stake your life on. Ideal = Your Perfect Dream / an Idea that you are in love with. ...

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Michael McCright


The trilogy of Body, Mind and Spirit is like a three legged stool. Each leg of the stool must be the exact length, for balance to take place. If one leg becomes shorter the cup will tip and the contents will spill over the side. So, it goes with us as individuals. If we spend excessive time on the Body, then we must borrow a little time from the Mind and Spirit in order to accomplish that task. ...

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Michael McCright


Healthy Weight Management, Healthy Eating and Hydration, Healthy Community and Surroundings, Healthy Sleep and Energy Management, Healthy Motion, Health Mind. To those already listed we might want to add: Healthy Breathing, and a Healthy Spiritual program. ...

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Michael McCright


Transformational living requires that we continually review and implement the five major building blocks into our lives. 1. God, 2. Health, 3. Education, 4. Career, 5. Financial Stability ...

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