Top-down evaluation of what truly matters in “life”

Transformational living requires that we continually review and implement the five major building blocks into our lives.

  • God
  • Health
  • Education
  • Career
  • Financial Stability

1. GOD

Without recognizing that there is a God and that you are not it, puts a person in a precarious place. Without God and an afterlife, life becomes meaningless. You live. No reason to have a vision, purpose, or mission. Just a dog-eat-dog society. You just do whatever you desire, good or bad, no consequences, no justice and then you die. There would be no reason for hope. Faith would be contained within self (ego driven). No reason for prayer. I guess you could continue to talk to and encourage self.

On many occasions a challenge occurs in that at a young age. We were taught or perceived misconceptions about Who and What God really is. I myself, perceived Him as a punishing god and therefore wanted nothing to do with Him. Later in life I changed that belief and begin to believe in Him as a Loving God. Since changing that perception, my life has continued to improve.

Recognizing God as our creator, Eternal, involved in our lives, second by second, promising us a place to go after we die, allows one to have hope. We can then develop faith that there is something that is greater than ourselves. Someone that we can talk to via prayer. Knowing God and that there is a hereafter can greatly reduce our concern/fear of death.

2. Health

Health could and maybe should become number 1, especially during our formative years. It is then that our lives are ruled on a basis of emotions. A thinking rational mind doesn’t kick in until age 7, plus or minus 1 year of age. A human mind is not fully developed until we are in our late teens or early adulthood. Good judgement is not a knowledge-based thing.

That being said, our conception, our relationship with God is not solidified until we are 22 to 25 years old. Until that time we are gaining knowledge from those around us. Parents, siblings, teachers, companions, pastors, priests, rabbis, imams, or other spiritual leaders.

Therefore, our health during the formative years, can in many cases, weigh heavily on one’s outlook on life. Obesity is on the rise amongst children, increasing their risk for early onset of many dis-eases.

3. Education

As we mature it becomes necessary for us to acquire knowledge so that we can keep up with life’s challenges. We must learn how things work and how we can fit in and incorporate that knowledge into our lives. We begin to envision a lifestyle and begin thinking about how we will make an impact on this earth. We begin to ask ourselves what we will do to make an impact on the lives of others and how it will affect us.

This education is not only acquired in classrooms but also by our life experiences. Many of us, early on, develop habits, intended to protect us, which later in life become detrimental. Overeating to solve perceived emotional issues in our younger years can have devastating results as we mature.

4. Career

We start to fit into society. Small jobs and endeavors turn into greater positions with more responsibilities. We use our emotional and rational intelligence with which we decide on or select a career path, many times, not knowing if it really fits our personalities and lifestyles.

If one can truly find a career in doing something they really love, they will never have to work another day in their lives. However, many are forced into a career that provides for them physically but not emotionally. Because of the income or other perks, they find themselves trapped in an uncomfortable place, enduring rather than thriving. Unhappiness with life, whether job, marriage, or surroundings, brings with it serious risks for one’s overall health.

5. Financial Security

Hopefully, our choice of careers will bring us to a point of financial stability in the later years of our life.

If someone were to put $1 a day into an account for you starting at birth, by the time you were 18, you would be worth $13,000. Continuing to invest $1 per day, added to that $13,000 @ 7% interest, would net you between $500,000 to 750,000 by the time you are 68.

Motivation – Establishing your “WHY”!

Is your motivation Extrinsic – things – external – wealth, power, fame, based on will power, or

Is your motivation Intrinsic – health - Peace of mind – internal? Intrinsic motivation which marries the intelligence of the mind, to the feelings of the heart, and anchors them as a gut response. A gut response may be compared to a habit, anchored in the subconscious portion of the brain.

Intrinsic motivation is a much longer lasting than is extrinsic motivation.


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Michael McCright
Free Health Coaching – provided by the "Together i Can Group"
Together i Can Inc.
September 6, 2021

Call 619-316-6900

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