When You Combine Thinking with Feeling it generates an Emotion

Information contained in the brain combined with what we think is scattered throughout the musculature of the body. How we think affects our physical being as well as our mental and spiritual being. If we have an ouch or a painful spot in the body, our mind will tighten muscles surrounding that area to help protect it.

Our thinking, combined with belief, can create either negative or positive effects within the body. Stinkin-thinking will create adverse effects, while thinking positive-truths will create constructive situations.

The Placebo effect: “taking an inert/inactive ingredient and having it have the same effect as a chemical medication.” This doesn’t necessarily have to be something physical that we consume. It can also be a thought about something that we believe to be true. The placebo or nocebo effect will create the outcome (positive or negative) generated by the minds thinking. Studies reveal that the Placebo or Nocebo are effective around 47 percent of the time.

The power of expectation; (Placebo or Nocebo) Placebo is used when the outcome is positive, and nocebo is when the suggestion creates a negative outcome.

An example of a negative outcome occurs when we allow anxieties to be created by “what if’s”, imaginary thoughts.

Thoughts become messengers that in turn manifest chemical responses in the physical body. A great example is the stress hormone “cortisol”. When we are in a state of worry or anxiety, caused by “what if’s”, those thoughts, turn on hormonal secretions that are sent as messengers throughout the body in the bloodstream. Those stress hormones tell all seven trillion cells in the body to get ready for flight, fight, or faint.

I have clients tell me that they eat when I’m “emotionally” upset. If that is a true statement, then what they are saying is: “My thoughts cause me to eat”. I understand that they are using that “reason”, “excuse”, justification for eating at times when they aren’t really hungry or have a reason to eat.

Many emotional eaters choose sweet sugary foods because those are the ones that seem to satisfy the craving they are having.

Other words or actions that we could substitute for “lie”:

Excuses, reasons, disabling beliefs, results or habitual actions that hold us back.

We use excuses to cover over—they give us a reason to explain or justify our actions.

Rather than accept truths, we use reasons as justifications for what we did.

Our disabling beliefs (false information) offer justification as to why we act the way we do. We are truly acting on what we think and believe in our mind, what is real and honest. We very seldom stop to challenge our beliefs as to whether they are valid or not.

A lie (against ourselves) might fall into a category of “anything/thought” that disempowers us.

Anytime we belittle ourselves, it’s right and honest to know that it’s a lie.

We must be very careful about deciding what is a positive-truth. The mind uses “DENIAL” as a way of making excuses appear as truths.

If we observe ourselves with rigorous honesty, we will find that there is a disabling belief behind most obsessions. This disabling belief is a lie that we’ve convinced ourselves is a truth. Just because we perceive it as a truth does not mean it is!

FEAR - False expectations appearing real.

93% of all fears may be considered to be false. (Lies)

Fears are lies we tell ourselves so that we can be ready for things that are never going to happen.

They justify our action of worry and anxiety!

Are you always trying to figure out an answer by using your own thinking? If your thinking never changes, accepting new concepts and ideas (Truths), then you’ll continue to do the same things over and over and over.

That is considered Insanity! Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Without becoming open-minded, a person will never accept any new information. Without new information, discernment, or evaluation of that new information, change is impossible.

A closed-minded person may be equated as being on the same level as someone who is considered ignorant. Judgement based on feelings instead of facts and discernment leads to erroneous actions.

Some individuals believe that the mind has the power to control the body. Some individuals claim that we can ward off sickness and Dis-ease just using the mind. The mind definitely does play a part, but only a part and that is all.

I’ve never heard those same individuals saying, “I can think myself young.”

I’ve never heard those same individuals say, “I can think myself thin.”

I’m sure they would never use those statements because then they would have to prove that they’re true. Chances are they would not be able to prove those false beliefs.

When you as an individual hear a truth, do you cringe and then provide a reason and excuse, a justification for why you do it differently? Do you use your belief and your explanation as to why you cannot do something?

When you hear a truth and it goes against your beliefs, do you reject the information?

1. Do you tell yourself I know better?

2. That isn’t what I’ve been taught and I’ll continue to believe the teachings I was taught?

3. The experiences that I have in my life don’t lead me to that conclusion; therefore, I choose to ignore that information, that truth.

Do your insecurities run your life? Most insecurity is based on false information and denying truth. We make up myths about why we react and why we react to the triggers the way we do.

Lies will always lead to resentment/s.

Stuffing feelings (lies) will most often create resentment and eventually lead to anxiety and worry.

It is my opinion that we use the lies for self-justification. We want to see ourselves as who we would like to be, rather than who we really are.

At one time, Affirmations were the hot topic of the day. Many individuals still recommend them because they are always positive sayings. However, declaring those statements doesn’t necessarily mean that they are truths or that they will be effective. If you don’t or can’t accept and feel the statement is true, chances are it won’t have any effect.

Affirmations that may not work.

Affirmations (Characteristics we would like to see ourselves as)

1. I am Brave
2. I am Loved
3. I am Healthy
4. I am Clever
5. I am Strong
6. I always find a solution
7. I stand up for myself
8. I am Worthy
9. I am Enough
10. I love myself for who I am
11. I created my own happiness

Programming the mind can be tricky. The Placebo or Nocebo effect will only happen if our belief in the thought, concept or pill is 100 percent. The belief carried in the mind, must be married with the feeling in the heart and anchored as a gut issue.

The mind has a propensity for answering questions it has been asked. For people attempting to increase their health by losing weight a couple of questions they might want to ask themselves.

1. “Why do I considerate it abhorrent / unreasonable to change my diet, what I eat”?

2. “What benefits am I receiving by staying at the weight I am at”?

When your mind has answered those questions, you might find it very easy to find change taking place. Change your beliefs, change your definitions, and change will happen.

Let psychosomatic healing become a part of your life.

Together (with the right mind set) i Can


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Michael McCright
Free Health Coaching – provided by the "Together i Can Group"
Together i Can Inc.
June 15, 2022

Call 619-316-6900

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